Trusses: Something we should ponder on
well! i was just solving my Engineering Mechanics problems related with "Trusses", suddenly, something came in my mind and i really started thinking over this very little but very important thing. So, i thought, it should be shared with you people also:
Have you observed a truss carefully, it is made up of several members working COLLECTIVELY and JOINTLY in order to bear a heavy load. Each member has some job to do. Each of them tries its level best to share its contribution in bearing the heavy load. One member alone cannot do anything effective. Its the joint effort that makes them capable of bearing a heavy load.
We Pakistanis should try to be the same, working jointly and collectively to earn developement. The Poet of the East has also said it that a person from a nation cannot do anything alone, but if a nation has unity inside it, they can touch the glories.
You see, a simple truss, can even convey to you a great lesson of unity. Now it depends upon us what we get, and what we throw...
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